Barbara Simpson – Epps (Ms. Bob-e) (no pronouns)

Eden Prairie, MN

Bob-e is a trauma specialist, relationship builder and an expert in facilitation. Helping individuals, communities and systems leaders to acknowledge historical trauma and its impact on making meaningful change.  Engage all in ways that leads to understanding what it means to be equitable, inclusive and diverse. Coupled with the necessity to address and operationalize practices recognizing race and justice throughout and across systems. Bob-e uses methods that lift up and support authentic and truthful conversations, where all are seen and heard in building relationships and taking action that can be sustained over time.

“Social justice for me on a personal level is having others look and see me as a human being. Social justice means that you will let me have the same opportunities and access to resources, opportunities, and the privileges that come with being human. That equality is for all people, not just for some in the United States of America. Treat me as a human, period. When I am not seen nor treated as human there is damage done. Now, the embodied social justice deals with how I internalize all the oppression that comes my way. How I am impacted mentally, spiritually, financially and physically. What must I do to take care of myself.”