Corrie Lapinsky (she/her)

St. Paul, Minnesota

Corrie Lapinsky is a former attorney who has held leadership roles in national companies and local nonprofit organizations and now brings her decades of experience in constructive communication, conflict transformation, and relational leadership to her work on social justice initiatives. This work, through Interstanding, Inc., focuses on personal and collective transformation, anti-racism and social action. Corrie is trained in Circle Way facilitation through PeerSpirit, Inc. and facilitates conversation circles designed to enable deep connections, learning and community. Corrie is a facilitator and member of the leadership team for the Racial Equity Leadership Institute (RELI) program of the Minnesota-based Facilitating Racial Equity Collaborative (FREC). Most recently, Corrie has completed training in certificate programs for Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy through The Embody Lab and in Embodied Social Justice through Transformative Change, enabling a more holistic embodied approach to social justice work. She has also participated in antiracism circles with ASDIC Metamorphosis and served as a Racial Justice Facilitator with the Minneapolis YWCA. 


“I think of social justice as anything that can help provide all people, and frankly all beings, including the planet, with what’s needed to not just survive, but actually thrive and live to our potential… And for me, in addition to being a way to experience what is actually in the present moment, I’ve found that as I’ve practiced embodiment more, I’m remembering things I didn’t even know I’d forgotten. It’s helping excavate things. So it’s healing and informative, a very important piece to me in social justice.”